1. What is IVF and how does it work?

IVF, or In Vitro Fertilisation, is an assisted reproductive technology where eggs and sperm are combined outside the body. The fertilised embryo is then implanted in the uterus for pregnancy.

2. Are there any age restrictions for undergoing IVF treatment?

While there 50 for women, 55 for men. a strict age limit, success rates tend to decrease with age. The ideal age range for IVF is typically between 25 and 35.

3. How long does the IVF process typically take, from start to finish?

The IVF process generally takes about 3-6 weeks, including ovarian stimulation, egg retrieval, fertilisation, embryo culture and embryo transfer.

4. What are the success rates of IVF at London IVF?

Success rates can vary, but at London IVF, we have consistently high success rates, especially in the age group of 25 to 35.

5. Are there any lifestyle changes or preparations needed before starting IVF?

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle, including a balanced diet and regular exercise, can positively impact IVF outcomes. Avoiding smoking and excessive alcohol is also recommended.

Genetic testing can identify chromosomal abnormalities. While not mandatory, it is recommended, especially for individuals with a history of genetic disorders.

7. What fertility preservation options are available?

London IVF offers fertility preservation options, including egg freezing, for individuals who wish to preserve their fertility for the future.

8. What is the approximate cost of IVF at London IVF?

The cost of IVF can vary based on individual circumstances, but an approximate cost is around INR 1 lakh and medications.

9. Do you offer counselling services for individuals or couples undergoing fertility treatments?

Yes, we provide counselling services to support individuals and couples throughout their fertility journey.

10. Are there any additional services or treatments available?

Yes, London IVF offers a range of services including IUI,Laparoscopy, Hysteroscopy, Embryo biopsy, surrogacy support and other personalised fertility treatments. Please contact us for more details.

11. How many embryos are typically transferred during an IVF cycle?

The number of embryos transferred depends on individual factors, but typically, one or two embryos are transferred to maximise the chances of a successful pregnancy while minimising the risk of multiple pregnancies.

12. What measures are in place to ensure the confidentiality and privacy of patients?

London IVF prioritises patient confidentiality and privacy. Strict protocols and ethical standards are maintained to safeguard patient information.

13. Are there any potential risks or side effects associated with IVF?

While IVF is generally safe, there may be some risks and side effects, such as multiple pregnancies or ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome. Your doctor will discuss these potential risks before treatment.

14. How is the quality of the sperm and eggs assessed and what factors contribute to success?

Sperm and egg quality are assessed through various tests. Success is influenced by factors such as age, overall health and adherence to treatment protocols.

PGT is recommended for those with a higher risk of genetic disorders. It provides information about the genetic health of embryos before implantation.

16. What should I expect during the egg retrieval and embryo transfer procedures?

Egg retrieval is a minimally invasive procedure and embryo transfer is a simple process similar to a Pap smear. Egg collection done under Anesthesia.

17. How soon after IVF can I take a pregnancy test and what are the signs of a successful implantation?

A pregnancy test is typically done about one weeks after embryo transfer. Signs of successful implantation include mild cramping and spotting, but a pregnancy test provides confirmation.


18. Do you offer support and guidance for patients experiencing emotional challenges during the IVF process?

Yes, emotional support is a crucial part of our fertility services. Counselling services are available to help individuals and couples navigate the emotional aspects of fertility treatment.

19. What makes London IVF unique compared to other fertility clinics?

London IVF stands out for its personalised approach, experienced team, high success rates, state-of-the-art facilities and equipment and commitment to ethical and patient-centric care.

20. Where are the branches of London IVF located?

As of now London IVF has four branches. We extend premier fertility services to Vizag, Kakinada, Vizianagaram and Rajahmundry

Male Infertility

1. What is male infertility?

Male infertility refers to a man’s inability to impregnate a fertile female partner after a year of regular unprotected intercourse.

2. What are common causes of male infertility?

Factors include low sperm count, poor sperm motility, abnormal sperm morphology, hormonal imbalances, genetic issues, and lifestyle factors.

3. How is male infertility diagnosed?

Diagnosis involves a semen analysis, hormonal tests, imaging studies, and genetic screening to identify potential causes.

4. Can lifestyle choices impact male fertility?

Yes. Smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, drug use, obesity, and high stress levels can negatively affect male fertility.

5. Can infections affect male fertility?

Infections such as STDs can lead to infertility by causing inflammation and scarring in the reproductive organs.

6. Is age a factor in male infertility?

While not as pronounced as in females, male fertility can decline with age, affecting sperm quality and quantity.

7. What are the treatment options for male infertility?

Treatments include lifestyle changes, hormone therapy, surgery for anatomical issues, and assisted reproductive technologies (ART) like IVF.

8. How does stress impact male fertility?

Chronic stress can affect hormone levels, sperm production, and sexual function, contributing to male infertility.

9. Can medications affect male fertility?

Certain medications, like some anti-depressants and steroids, may impact fertility. Consulting with a healthcare professional is crucial.

10. Can male infertility be prevented?

Adopting a healthy lifestyle, avoiding harmful substances, practicing safe sex to prevent infections, and regular check-ups can contribute to prevention.

11. Can emotional factors influence male infertility?

Yes, emotional stress and mental health issues can contribute to male infertility by affecting hormonal balance and sexual function.

Yes, conditions like diabetes, hypertension, and obesity can be linked to male infertility, highlighting the importance of overall health.

13. Are there alternative therapies for male infertility?

Some men explore acupuncture, herbal supplements, and lifestyle changes as complementary approaches, but scientific evidence may vary.

14. Can previous surgeries impact male fertility?

Surgeries like vasectomy or hernia repairs may affect fertility, but fertility restoration procedures are available.

15. When should a man seek professional help for infertility concerns?

If a couple is unable to conceive after a year of regular unprotected intercourse, seeking the advice of a fertility specialist is recommended.