Specialist Team

Dr Sai Sunil Kishore
- Neonatal Intensive Care
- High Frequency Ventilation
- Pediatric Intensive Care
- Peritoneal Dialysis
- Functional Echo Inhaled Nitric Oxide
- Inhaled Nitric Oxide
- MBBS- Dr. NTR University of Health Sciences Andhra Pradesh
- MD Pediatrics- Postgraduate Institute Of Medical Education And Research, Chandigarh
- DM Neonatology- Postgraduate Institute Of Medical Education and Research, Chandigarh
- 12 international publications on sepsis, ventilation, exchange transfusion
- 30+ national publications
- 6 media publications in various media channels
- Major Amirchand medal for best research in Neonatology
- Gold medal in Pharmacology, Surgery
- Twins with birth weight of 1000 gms, born to a couple with 15 yrs of Infertlity; successfully treated with lot of efforts in Neonatal ICU.
- Baby had rare bleeding disorder, presented with intraabdominal bleeding and renal failure; success treated with ventilation and dialysis after strenuous efforts.
- Baby had a rare metabolic problem called Biotinidase deficiency came to hospital in very critical state was successfully treated
- Baby had surgical problem called NEC, required abdominal surgery (ileostomy) had small bowel syndrome, successfully treated after strenuous efforts
- Baby with a birth weight of 700 grams, after strenuous efforts baby discharged at 1.4kg.
- Born at 25 Wks gestation, birth weight of 610 gms got Neonatology care.
- Baby born in 8th week and suffered from 1kg weight loss got treated.
- Baby with a birth weight of 700 grams, born to a couple with long duration of infertility, treated free of cost. At the time of discharge, the baby weighs 1.6kgs.